Did someone say transition?

The past months have brought changes we never anticipated. For us, chief among them has been leaving our home of the past 95 years, taking up residence in the La Rue Village Building. Purists would discuss the specific pros and cons of the move, possibly (probably) using phrases such as " Cost-Benefit Analysis " or " Total Cost of Ownership ". That is all well and good, but it doesn't begin to describe the feeling of putting all your stuff into boxes and hauling them to somewhere else. As of now we can say we've been there, done that . We've been very fortunate, and we realize that. During the process we took some photos of the transition. Initially our thought was to mark our progression from one existence to another. Upon further reflection, it probably best illustrates that however complete and admirable your existence may be, that we are only one of the component parts of plan much larger than ourselves. Those familiar ...